A simple and visual budget template to help you manage money and plan better for your finances.
This is a google sheets template. You can access and edit your budget on your laptop, phone, or tablet device. Start budgeting on the go!
This template is designed to be clean, responsive, and dynamic, with charts that show you an instant glance at how you’re doing with your finances, monthly and annually.
All you need is a google account which is free.
The template includes a savings goal calculator that shows you how much you need to save every month or week to meet your financial goal.
Begin your journey to financial freedom by taking charge of your finances, mastering the act of budgeting, and planning for your money.
This template offers a responsive dashboard that shows an analysis of where your money goes and how well you are saving every month and the total year.
It encourages zero-based budgeting, ensuring that you give every dollar you make a job. The ultimate goal is to master your finances. Whether you need to get out of debt, save for a house down payment, or education fund, you need to start with this budget template.
A simple and clean minimalistic budget template
An automated and dynamic yet flexible template to aid your budgeting process
A dashboard that shows how you are doing financially and where your money is going each month
A comparative analysis between your financial plan and actual income, expenses, and savings
This is a digital product and does not include the delivery of any physical product. Please refer to the instructions sheet to find access and directions on how to use this document.
The budget template is a Google Sheets document and can be assessed on the go through the google sheets app on your smartphone or tablet as well as on your computer.
This budget template is designed to assist you on your personal finance journey and therefore I am not liable for any misuse or misrepresentation of this file.
This file is meant for personal use and not to be distributed commercially.
Thank you for purchasing this document. Please send an email to for any inquiries.
Happy budgeting!
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